Sell ›› High & low pressure casting of non-ferrous alloys - global metals trading platform Словаpик
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Словаpик Словаpик
Аббpевиатуpы Аббpевиатуpы
Конвеpтации Конвеpтации
Вpемя в 84 стpанах Вpемя в стpанах

Спонсоp - Web design & development, web hosting, CMS & SEO solutions, graphic design and corporate identity
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Наши услуги

Market research - ferrous and non-ferrous metals Исследования
Strategic consultancy Консультации
International marketing and promotion PR и маpкетинг
Export & import in Russia and CIS Экспоpт и импоpт
European agent - a sales representative or a distributor Евpопейский агент
Export & import in Russia and CIS Кpедит и IPO
Recruitment in metals, mining, foundry & casting Пеpеводы
Event management Пpодажа металлов Словаpик


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0-9

L-D Process L-D Process
Lack of fusion Lack of fusion
Ladle Ladle
Ladle Analysis Ladle Analysis
Ladle Metallurgy Furnace (LMF) Ladle Metallurgy Furnace (LMF)
Lamellar Tear Lamellar Tear
Lamination Lamination
Laminations Laminations
Laminations(2) Laminations(2)
Lap Lap
Lap(2) Lap(2)
Lap-Weld Lap-Weld
Lapped Welds Lapped Welds
Lath Martensite Lath Martensite
Lattice Lattice
Leach Pad Leach Pad
Leaching Leaching
Lead Annealing Lead Annealing
Leaded Steels Leaded Steels
Leftward welding Leftward welding
Leg Leg
Length of the leg Length of the leg
Levelers Levelers
Leveling Leveling
Leveling Line Leveling Line
Life Cycle Costing Life Cycle Costing
Light Metal Light Metal
Light Metals Light Metals
Light-Gauge Steel Light-Gauge Steel
Limestone Limestone
Limiting Range of Stress Limiting Range of Stress
Limiting Ruling Section Limiting Ruling Section
Limits Limits
Limits of Proportionality Limits of Proportionality
Line Pipe Line Pipe
Liquation Liquation
Liquid Carburising Liquid Carburising
Liquidous Liquidous
Liquidus Liquidus
Lithographic Sheet Aluminum Lithographic Sheet Aluminum
Load capacity Load capacity
Lock-forming Lock-forming
Lock-seaming Lock-seaming
Long Long
Long Products Long Products
Long Terne Long Terne
Longitudinal Direction Longitudinal Direction
Looper Looper
Loose Piece Loose Piece
Lost Wax Process Lost Wax Process
Low Brass Low Brass
Low Carbon Steels Low Carbon Steels
Low-Carbon Steel Low-Carbon Steel
Low-Hydrogen Electrode Low-Hydrogen Electrode
Luders Lines (Steel) Luders Lines (Steel)
Luders Lines or Bands Luders Lines or Bands
Luster Finish Luster Finish

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0-9


Доска объявлений Доска объявлений
Междунаpодные конфеpенции Конфеpенции
Размещение pекламы Размещение pекламы


LME (USD/t, cash)

Сплав Ал.: 1,695.00 +44.00
Алюминий: 1,949.00 +88.5
Медь: 6,565.50 +219.5
Свинец: 2,410.50 +164.5
Никель: 19,455.00 +630.00
Олово: 14,820.00 +70.00
Цинк: 2,240.00 +125.5
22 Oct 2009 LME цены

Реклама Реклама


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