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Аббpевиатуpы Аббpевиатуpы
Конвеpтации Конвеpтации
Вpемя в 84 стpанах Вpемя в стpанах

Спонсоp - Web design & development, web hosting, CMS & SEO solutions, graphic design and corporate identity
Web developer & graphics

Наши услуги

Market research - ferrous and non-ferrous metals Исследования
Strategic consultancy Консультации
International marketing and promotion PR и маpкетинг
Export & import in Russia and CIS Экспоpт и импоpт
European agent - a sales representative or a distributor Евpопейский агент
Export & import in Russia and CIS Кpедит и IPO
Recruitment in metals, mining, foundry & casting Пеpеводы
Event management Пpодажа металлов Careers ›› Why work at Our Metals Ltd?


Why work at Our Metals Ltd?  |  Current vacancies  |  Our offer  |  Graduate opportunities

Are you hungry for a career that is varied, stimulating and highly challenging? At Our Metals Ltd you will find a career that challenges you, inspires you and fulfils you. We will give you the practical experience and training that realises your potential. Apart from your continuous learning and development, you will also profit from a highly competitive package.

You will be working at the heart of a dynamic and competitive industry in a company where the customer always comes first. If you’re right for us, you will thrive in our fast-paced, results-driven, creative, fun culture. Success is a choice - the decision is yours!

Do you want to learn business and leadership skills that will make you successful?

  1. How to make commercial decisions
  2. To become a great entrepreneur
  3. How to put first things first
  4. How to use creative problem solving techniques
  5. How to write copy that sells
  6. How to effectively use direct marketing
  7. How to lead and mentor others
  8. How to use design and aesthetics effectively
  9. How to exploit the power of the brand
  10. Communication and PR skills
  11. Presentation skills
  12. About international business
  13. How to negotiate
  14. How to sell
  15. Research skills
  16. About customer experience and entertainment
  17. Financial management
We are always on the lookout for extraordinary people with drive and commitment capable of delivering exceptional results in an environment that is constantly challenging and changing.


Доска объявлений Доска объявлений
Междунаpодные конфеpенции Конфеpенции
Размещение pекламы Размещение pекламы


LME (USD/t, cash)

Сплав Ал.: 1,695.00 +44.00
Алюминий: 1,949.00 +88.5
Медь: 6,565.50 +219.5
Свинец: 2,410.50 +164.5
Никель: 19,455.00 +630.00
Олово: 14,820.00 +70.00
Цинк: 2,240.00 +125.5
22 Oct 2009 LME цены

Реклама Реклама


Automotive Today & Tomorrow conference Flat Steel Narket conference 9th Price Forecats for Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Metals conference 2nd Cement Arabia conference 2nd Steel Arabia conference 6th Cement Trade & Technology conference 8th Scrap Metals Market conference Rambler's Top100 Яндекс цитирования